
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Formin' a bikie gang

How do you say 'really fucking want one' in French?

You can't reaaaally see it, but this bike is tiny. Like, comes up to my thighs tiny.

I know that my road-cred will probably drop dramatically after people realise that its only 50cc's, but I'm willing to trade all that in to look like a highly intelligent circus racing chimp when I go to the shops for milk.

All that and more, actually.


Anonymous said...

Hi Davy!!!
in the absence of your reply to my emails, I thoght I would harrass you here instead!!!!! How are you??? Miss you and love you heaps - please write soon..
love c
ALSO here is the most insightful thing I have heard in a long time
"You can't climb rainbows - they are only fluffy."
Ollie 3 years

Anonymous said...

AGHHH sorry about spellos in my last comment... seems to be a running theme
love c

davey said...

Holy christ, thats the best thing i've ever heard! What the hell is he talking about? If it's not too much too ask, could you please relay to him my wish to know how rainbow fluffiness relates to rainbow scalability. He'll know what i mean. x

eleanor bloom said...

Yeah, 50cc's won't give you much road cred... Some pretty good sidewalk cred though!
(Looks like a pooter to me ;)

Judy P said...

'really fucking want one' in Rrench is an attempt: "Je voudrais avoir une bicyclette vraiment"..... but I don't know any swear words in French except for "merde" so I guess you could always stick a Merde in there somewhere for dramatic effect.
Love Judy P.

Judy P said...

'really fucking want one' in Rrench is an attempt: "Je voudrais avoir une bicyclette vraiment"..... but I don't know any swear words in French except for "merde" so I guess you could always stick a Merde in there somewhere for dramatic effect.
Love Judy P.

davey said...

Yeh, Thats what I was going with Judy. Something along the lines of:

Je merde voudrais un!

El: I'll get two of them so we can race 'em! It'll be just like reliving your childhood.

Cinema Minima said...

Why not just get a highly intelligent milk-buying chimp. They come with their own bike, and can rip the arms off your enemies too!